Warami Mittgar -New Centre Opens


We have been granted permission from the school to open a second centre on site known as Mittgar.


Mittgar is a Darug word for “friend” for example if you were to say, “‘Warami mittigar.” or “Cooeee mittigar” then you are saying “Welcome friend,” or “Come here friend.”
We chose the name Mittgar because the children wanted to call the new centre the “Friendly centre” and others suggested we use Aboriginal languages. This was a beautiful combination of both ideas.

Mittgar is currently open to students of Roseville Public School for years 4 to 6 for After School Care.
Opening hours are: 3:10pm-6:00pm Monday – Thursday.

On Fridays all students from K-6 are are our Roseville Kids Care centre located in the Roseville Chase Community hall.

We are not currently open for Before School Care at this stage.

We are very excited and grateful to have this opportunity to expand and be closer connected to Roseville Public school and it’s wonderful community.